Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Webmaster, Links from Blog Comments

"More Traffic" Newsletter by Secret Search Engine Labs
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To get traffic from the search engines you need links to your website, lots of links. This is because the search engines give better rank to pages with inbound links than to pages with little or no links.
Here's an easy way to get links from blog comments. Just type the following search query into Google:
wordpress comments "your keywords"

Just replace "your keywords" with the specific keywords your are targeting with your website and soon Google will give you a list of blogs where you can comment and link back to your website. 

Not all sites will be blogs, and not all blogs allow you to comments, but if you try a couple of different keywords and try to use non-commercial ones or mix in non commercial keywords you get much better results.
Also a good strategy when commenting on blogs is to write something that ads value to the discussion. That way some people reading your comment will become interested in what you do and click through to your website to check you out.
Remember that you stand a much better chance of getting your comments approved by the blog owner if you write something intelligent that show him you have read at least part of the blog post you're commenting on.
Another thing to consider is that links from blogs in the same niche as your website is a lot more valuable for SEO than links from random unrelated blogs. The search engines considers the theme of the link when deciding how to rank your site.
Another time I'm going to tell you how to get more dofollow links and what's the difference between dofollow and nofollow.
More Traffic,
CEO and founder,
Secret Search Engine Labs
P.S. If you try this method but find only commercial blogs that does not allow you to comment it might be because you use keywords with too much commercial intent, like "web hosting". Try mixing in some less commercial keywords like "web hosting nightmare" 
This is the mandatory disclaimer, enjoy!

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