Sorry I haven't been in touch for quite a while, life and apologies. But I do have
something I need to tell you about today. Super important for your web site and your
business or I wouldn't be emailing you right now (seriously...when did I last email you? I
don't email unless it needs to be said and it's worth interrupting you).
[ASIDE: If you don't want to hear from me with awesome free stuff, secret links, and
custom offers tailor made for you just unsubscribe here now and I will never email
you again: ]
Ok, since you've checked out Easy Web Video in the past...maybe it wasn't for you for
some reason or another...doesn't matter. That was a different time, a different beast.
But I HAVE TO share this with you right now.
We've been working for MONTHS to make it kick-ass powerful and dead-simple for
you...the best online video platform out there. AND our challenge was to NOT
CHARGE MONTHLY but still make your life so much easier.
We've done it! Watch this!
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We recently launched this for a one-time price through a promotion with a partner and
sold over 7000 units in 2 weeks! And want to offer the exact same thing to you but for
an EVEN BETTER PRICE to make it a no-brainer.
Watch this video as my partner Michael explains...
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Shawn Pringle
Easy Web Video Inc.
382211 Concession 4 NDR
Hanover Ontario N4N 3B9
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