Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Webmaster, CommentLuv Available NOW!

"More Traffic" Newsletter by Secret Search Engine Labs
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Hello Webmaster
The cart is open! Andy is releasing Commentluv with great bonuses, and for a short time he is giving you an unlimited site license at no extra cost.
Order here!
CommentLuv is a plugin for Wordpress that encourages people to post quality comments, that gives you good, keyword rich, dofollow links when you comment on other CommentLuv enabled blog, and it also gives you statistics of how well you headlines are working (how much they are clicked)
To order CommentLuv premium with bonuses and unlimited sites license go here!
You can still get the free version of Commentluv from the the Wordpress plugin directory, but the premium version gives you more options for backlinks, better tracking and options to encourage social shares on your blog.
To your SEO success,
Simon Byholm
CEO and Founder,
Editor, More Traffic Newsletter
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