Thursday, 10 November 2011

Webmaster, How to Become an Authority in Your Niche

"More Traffic" Newsletter by Secret Search Engine Labs
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Hello Webmaster
I just received an email from Andy Bailey, the creator of CommentLuv, and it turns out he has just put up a free video where he shows you how to get more followers and brand yourself as an expert in your niche.
You do need to enter your email address to get access to the free video. There is no need to worry though. Andy will not spam you or sell your email address and you can unsubscribe from his email at any time. I use Andy's Wordpress plugin myself and I have subscribed to Andy's emails myself for over a year and there's never been a problem.
Andy is publishing a series of free videos on how to become an authority in your industry/niche by using your blog and social media to get people to listen to what you say. 
Even if you don't own a blog now, with the latest Google update and the emphasis it puts on news content, you would be well served to have a blog on your business website where you publish news and press releases about your business.
I know Andy is providing this free training as part of a product launch and at some point you'll get the opportunity to buy Andy's latest product (and support this newsletter). I can't tell you everything now but lets just say I use the product myself and it's a must have if you run a Wordpress blog :)
To your SEO success,
Simon Byholm
CEO and Founder,
Editor, More Traffic Newsletter
P.S. Andy's stuff is especially suited for you if you have a Wordpress blog. Learn more!
This is the mandatory disclaimer, enjoy!

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