First of all, from the bottom of my heart, thank you again for your business! Your support
and encouragement has not only enabled me to create the Easy Web Video product
you see today, but it also puts food on my family's table and for that I could not be
more grateful.
Easy Web Video is an amazing tool. Over the years it has become incredibly powerful,
thanks to feedback and suggestions from customers like you, but if you don't use it
it's no good to you. We have thousands of customers, but I fear that not everyone is getting
the most out of the tool that have at their disposal. Are you?
If not, or if you just have questions, I want to help.
Please watch this video:-->
Then please send your questions about EWV, anything at all to me at with the email subject line "webinar" so I can prepare
a live webinar for Thursday, Nov.13th at 8pm Eastern.
I want to personally help as many customers as I can and I think this is the best format
to be able to do that.
Have a great day, and thank you again for being a part of the Easy Web Video family!
Shawn Pringle
Easy Web Video Inc.
382211 Concession 4 NDR
Hanover Ontario N4N 3B9
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